Zaïmph release NO RENT RECORDS (NORENT039)– UNDERLYING STRUCTURES available now! Buchla Music Easel explorations using collected field recordings from my 2017 WORM Rotterdam residency.
Drift/Scatter/Settle a live performance at A.I.R. Gallery
I’ve added the first set from the DRIFT/SCATTER/SETTLE performance, a collaboration with Nancy Storrow, Dec 13, 2020, at A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn NY to my Bandcamp site as a FREE download. Please enjoy!
Marcia Bassett Buchla Music Easel
Nancy Storrow performance, movement, and voice
Renana Neuman video still
Installation and performance, December 13, 2020, at A.I.R. Gallery
Special thank you to Christian Camacho-Light, Associate Director and Director of Fellowship at A.I.R.
I’m thrilled to announce the latest Yew Recordings vinyl!
Order here or use the Yew Recordings Bandcamp link to order.
$25 ppd USA
$40 ppd Canada
$50 ppd everywhere else
Paypal [email protected]
Include your shipping address & have a lovely day!
p.s. Yew Recordings is your friend forever 😉 not Paypal
LPs can also be ordered from Forced Exposure!
3 Releases / 3 Formats

‘Survival of Laments‘ CD on Headlight recordings. Two long compositions performed by Marcia Bassett and Manuel Mota on Guitar and Margarida Garcia on Bass and recorded at Janskerk in Utrecht, 2018. Cover art by Margarida Garcia. “But lamenting is also a metaphor of how music endlessly stages its own death; music is the art form that lives through constant dying or dying out, and in lamenting it postpones and theatralizes this dying. In this sense a lament always laments a death to come, anticipating it. And its performance is just a suspension of the moment when it will deliver itself to the silence of the building’s stones.” – excerpt from the liner notes written by Björn Schmelzer.

‘Buchla Now‘ cassette on Ultra Violet light released on September 2nd sold out that same day! I’m sorry if you missed it! Maybe you have a friend who can share their download code with you. The 300-copy limited edition cassette came with 3-color risograph printed artwork by Wilson Ward Kemp and features music from Marcia Bassett, Suzanne Ciani, Dan Deacon, Jonathan Fitoussi, Steve Horelick, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Hans Tammen & compilation curator Todd Barton. Buchla Now, a collection of new music created on synthesizers designed by Don Buchla, the visionary instrument maker, inventor/physicist, circuit designer, musician, and founder of what has popularly become known as the “West Coast Style” of synthesis. ULV 2020

‘Morning Flare Symmetries’ LP on Feeding Tube Records released on June 23rd. Copies are still available and of course, you can listen and download via the Feeding Tube Bandcamp site. Cover art – Super 8 film stills by Spencer Herbst. “The string blend they manage to invent is a hugely psychedelic wave that washes over everything in its path. And when you’re enveloped in its massive flow, you are hauled along by sonic forces that are way beyond your control. Some parts are soothing, others are eruptive, but they work a really amazing push-pull on your brain, so that the individual sections don’t feel competitive so much as complimentary. Like thousands of tiny thumbs urging your spirit to free itself? Sure, why not? I absolutely encourage you to check out all of their albums. but this new one is a particular killer, so maybe you ought to start right here.” –Byron Coley, 2020
New Bandcamp Releases 2020
While COVID-19 has impacted live shows and gatherings there has been time to work on recordings. Earlier in the year, I released a digital-only recording on Bandcamp YOU ARE HERE is a collection of field recordings captured on iPhone and a Zoom recorder in India Dec 2019 and early Jan 2020 – Varanasi, Jaipur, and Rishikesh. Mixing and additional tracks were recorded at home in Brooklyn NY, April 2020.
During quarantine, I found a mix down of old 4-track recordings “rough mix for the LP” and released Two Butterflies as a digital-only release via Bandcamp.

Jennifer Lucy Allan reviewed Two Butterflies in her July Rum Music Column for The Quietus – “So Many Stars” hits all my buttons – rough multi-tonal drones that might come from strings or Shruti box (or something else) all lit up with the stridulations of night-time insects. It’s the sort of track I’m always looking for but never have quite the right key words to find.
I also added to my Bandcamp page, a Buchla Music Easel track Morning Reflections that I composed for a short super-8 film that I made last year, and the cassette Endless Parabolas a collaboration with Bob Bellerue is available for download too! Stay tuned for vinyl and CD recordings coming up!
Feb 14th Valentine’s Day I’ll be performing at Issue Project Room. Friday, February 14th, ISSUE presents artist and musician Marcia Bassett’s Out-SIDe PATtern RE-configuration, a new sound and light performance featuring Bassett’s video projections sourced from digitized super 8mm film, liquid light experiments, and video feedback with color gel slide projections by Barry Weisblat. Kyle Eyre Clyd, the longtime moniker of Alabama-based, interdisciplinary artist Kyle Kessler, also presents new work. In late 2019, Bassett released Kyle Eyre Clyd’s Eggshell on her Yew Recordings imprint.
Marcia Bassett @ EMS
Last October I was a resident/guest composer at legendary EMS Elektronmusik Studion in Stockholm Sweden. It was such treat to work with the Buchla 200 there! I’m absolutely thrilled to be contributing a track from my recording sessions at EMS to Buchla Now a forthcoming LP on Ultra Violet Light. Buchla Now was curated by Todd Barton with contributions from Marcia Bassett, Suzanne Ciani, Dan Deacon, Jonathan Fitoussi, Steve Horelick, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, and Hans Tammen. Look for the release this June 2020!
The Eternal Now

Nov 7th-10th The Eternal Now went on the road presenting live improvisations for Buchla Music Easel and stroboscopic projections. Our show at Rhizome DC was reviewed in the Washington Post! ‘With analog Music Easels, Eternal Now paints a serendipitous aural landscape’ by Matthew Guerrieri
time_untime Roulette

I will be performing with Ursula Scherrer at ROULETTE on WED SEP 18th. The audience is invited to enter the installation/performance in which boundaries become fluid, duration becomes a moment and single moments become duration. Lights sink into the darkness, darkness appears through the light. The installation/performance is with no beginning or end. A year ago, Ursula and I collaborated for the first time with a durational performance Inter_woven in Tunis. The TIME_UNTIME performance expands on ideas that were formed in Tunis making use of elements such as video, photographs, painted panels as projection surfaces as well as written and spoken texts in a different context as well as recordings captured during our stay in the Tunis Medina.
OptoSonic Echoes

OptoSonic Echoes is an 8-channel continuous sound installation positioned at the exterior of the Museum’s north entrance, containing the voices and sounds of participants in the September 27 performance, OptoSonic Tea @ the Parrish, an evening-length group improvisation featuring some of the world’s most innovative video and sound artists.